Kongelig Meddelelse om Fødsel og Daab af en Kongelig Prinds

Royal Announcement concerning the Birth and Christening of a Royal Prince

18 Juni

Kongelig Meddelelse om Fødsel og Daab af en Kongelig Prinds

Hans Kongelige Majestæts Meddelelse i Statsraad i Christiania om, at Hendes Kongelige Høihed Kronprindsessen den foregaaende Aften lykkelig var bleven forløst med en Prinds.

I sammensat Statsraad den 8de Juli næstefter meddelte Hans Majestæt, at den den 17de Juni fødte Prinds i den hellige Daab vilde erholde Navnet Carl Wilhelm Ludvig.


18 June

Royal Announcement concerning the Birth and Christening of a Royal Prince

His Royal Majesty's Announcement in State Council in Christiania of [the news] that Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess the preceding Evening was happily Delivered of a Prince.

In joint State Council on the following 8 July His Majesty announced, that the Prince born on 17 June in the holy Baptism was to obtain the Name Carl Wilhelm Ludvig.


Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1884, Christiania: 1884, p. 198.


HRH Prince Wilhelm of Sweden and Norway, Duke of Södermanland ceased to be a Prince of Norway at the day of his grandfather King Oscar II's abdication on 26 October 1905. He married on 5 May 1908 Grand Princess Maria Pavlovna of Russia (div. 13 March 1914), by which he got the son Prince Lennart, Duke of Småland (later Lennart Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg), born 8 May 1909. Prince Wilhelm died at Stenhammar on 5 June 1965.

This page was last updated on Saturday 2 February 2013
(first time published at http://www.geocities.com/dagtho/res18840618.html on Monday 17 June 2002).

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