Act concerning the King's age of majority

(Consolidated version)

Act of 13 May 1921 No. 2

Act concerning the King's age of majority

See the English translation of the Constitution, Art. 8, or the Norwegian version.

§ 1. The attained 18th year shall be the King's age of majority.
Modified by Act of 7 Feb 1969 No.6 (in force 1 July 1969), Act of 8 June 1979 No. 38 (in force 1 September 1979).

§ 2. Act of 18 July 1815, by which the King's age of majority is decided, is repealed.

(Original text; in force 11 June 1921 - 1 July 1969)

Act concerning the King's age of majority

§ 1. The attained 21st year shall be the King's age of majority.

§ 2. Act of 18 July 1815, by which the King's age of majority is decided, is repealed.

(Modified text, in force 1 July 1969-1 September 1979)

Act concerning the King's age of majority

§ 1. The attained 20th year shall be the King's age of majority.

§ 2. Act of 18 July 1815, by which the King's age of majority is decided, is repealed.

Sources and notes

  • Lov av 13. mai 1921 nr. 2 om Kongens myndighetsalder (Lovdata's version)
  • Norsk Lovtidende. 2nen avdeling. 1921, p.214 (The Norwegian Legal Gazette. 2nd Department. 1921, p. 214) concerning the original text. First time published in Lovtid. 1ste avd. 1921, No. 19. Storting decision 2 May 1921. The former Act of 1 April 1876 concerning the Legal Gazette and the publishing of acts ("Lov angaaende Udgivelse af en Lovtidende og Bekjendtgjørelse af Love m. V."), § 2, which was in force in 1921, said that any act, if the act itself did not say otherwise, came into force 4 weeks after the publishing date of the issue of the Legal Gazette in which it was printed. The original text was first time published on Saturday 14 May 1921 in the Legal Gazette 1st Dep. The act of 13 May 1921 No. 2 thus came into force on Saturday 11 June 1921.
  • Norsk Lovtidend. 1ste Avdeling. 1969, pp.159-161. The act of 7 February 1969 No. 6 concerning the lowering of the age of majority etc. was published in the Norwegian Legal Gazette No. 5, 1969, and came into force on 1 July 1969, cf. the act's section VII.
  • Norsk Lovtidend. 1979, pp. 346-352. The act of 8 June 1979 No. 38 concerning the lowering of the age of majority etc. came into force on 1 September 1979, cf. the act's section XVI.
  • Norges Lover. 1660-1930, Oslo: 1931, p.239.

This page was last updated on Thursday 1 July 2010
(first time published at on Thursday 24 January 2002).

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